Free Email Extractor

3 min readOct 15, 2021


Free Email Extractor:

Email marketing is all about trying every legal method to get the email addresses. Extracting or scraping emails from a text, file, or website can be terrific to increase your ROI. But for that, you do it correctly using our simple and free email scraper called Email Text Extractor.

It’s an online email extraction tool that helps you scrape email addresses from any text. You may copy that text from a file or website and make sure it is publicly available. We don’t recommend getting email addresses from private data, for it’s illegal and unethical.

And the legality of email address harvesting depends on your country as well. Something legal in a country can be illegal in another country. So read the relevant laws before you jump on our free email extraction tool. Makes sense? Let’s introduce you to our email extractor right now.

Email Extractor by

With our top free Email Text Extractor, you can easily and quickly extract email addresses from a text. “But I can do it manually,” you say. Yes, you can! But it will take ages for you to skim your text. And mistakes are inevitable as to err human!

With an email extractor by, you’re guaranteed to get the email addresses faster than ever. And the results are more than 99% accurate, and there’s little to no risk of mistakes at all. If that cannot impress you, what else will!

We have created this page to help you understand how email extraction works. So read on, even if you’re new to the concept. And explore what email harvesting is and how to do it right using our tool. Excited? Let’s get started!

Benefits of Email Extraction & Scraping

Scraping refers to the automated process of obtaining data from websites. It can be effective only if the websites are targeted precisely. But the data must be public. Getting email addresses from the targeted resources can be extremely beneficial for your business.

With our free email extraction tool, you can easily get the email addresses from texts. For example, your product is related to nurses. And you have stumbled upon nursing sites having the email addresses of your potential customers.

If you can scrape or harvest the right email addresses from your data, it will be extremely valuable for you. You can send promotional deals and more with precise targeting. Or you can also sell your services and get started with lead generation.

But there’s a proper process to do the email scraping or extraction safely. Let’s walk you through it so that you enjoy the benefits of email harvesting.

How to Scrape Emails from Websites or Texts

You must consider a few things before you get started with scraping email addresses from texts or websites. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the data source for email addresses legit?
  • Are the email addresses publicly available on the net?
  • How will you use your email list? Will you spam?

Use our free email scraper only if the data is legit, email addresses are public, and you’ll never spam. There are a few methods to scrape email addresses.

  • Search Google with ‘@’ or use this query
  • Open the targeted website and find email addresses manually
  • Sieve through Google Groups, DNS, WHOIS, and related databases

But all these methods may require a lot of time, energy, and sometimes investment. For example, you may want to buy a web spider for scrapping the relevant data. And the best method to find email addresses from the text quickly is by using our email extractor. Learn more




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